Monday, July 29, 2013

Prayers for the Unknown

With the impending move very much on the horizon, I'm finding it hard to sleep (i.e. the reason this post is being written at 2:30 am).  As soon as I find myself beginning to doze, I'm quickly jarred awake by another to do item to add to the ever-growing list or a moment of panic as I ponder how my dear ones will adjust to so many new things.  I am finding my only respite is to retreat to prayer... to thoughts of peace and feelings of trust and awareness of change being the only constant in this universe of mine.

I pray that...

  • we will be able to complete the remodels and organizational items for our home so that the renters will have an enjoyable place to live.
  • we will be able to fit everything we need in our luggage without them popping open.
  • our shipment will arrive in Quito before we do.
  • our travels will be safe and enjoyable.
  • our farewells to loved ones will be short and sweet in hopes that we will see them all soon.
  • our bodies will adjust quickly and smoothly to the change in altitude, lack of sleep and new bugs that we will be exposed to.
  • our hearts will adjust to the sorrow of saying goodbye to those we love.
  • I can sleep soon :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life at a Frenzied Pace

This is us...a family of four...father, mother, son and daughter.  We are a close bunch who likes to adventure.  We have lived in the same Northwest city at 45 degrees latitude for about 10 years and are ready for a change.  In three and a half short weeks, we will be moving to Quito, Ecuador which is of course close to 0 degrees latitude (hence the blog name).  My husband will be an elementary PE teacher while I will be the K-12 Teacher Librarian.  Our kids will be attending the school as 6th and 8th graders and will be participating in orchestra and a variety of sports.  The next few weeks will be a dizzying frenzy of packing, cleaning, sorting, and remodeling with a lot of visits with friends and family.