Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gorillas, Virgin Mary, Indigenous People and Clowns

Last weekend we were invited to attend a festival in Guapalo.  After spending the day sorting through our 17 boxes from our shipment, we stepped out to explore a new part of town and enjoy a once a year cultural event.

Here is a view from our friends' apartment of Guapalo looking towards the east and Kumbaya Valley.  The new airport is off in this direction.  You can see the church of Guapalo down in the central part of the picture.

At this little tienda (store), we enjoyed homemade empanandas filled with beef and vegetables with a few olives thrown in to spice it up.

As we strolled down the cobblestone streets, we met up with these fellows heading for the parade.  Gorillas at an event to honor the Virgin Mary...hmmm not sure about this one. And then we saw these guys in a combination of an indigenous person/clown.  I'm still searching for information about the reason for all different costumes.

We reached the square at the Iglesia de Guapalo where the three parades of people came together.  There is a structure to the right of bamboo with fireworks attached to it that was lighted later in the evening.  Super cool but definitely dangerous with the numbers of people standing in close proximity!!  

Inside the church, we were awestruck by the intricate details and floral arrangements.  Ed sneaked in one shot before he realized he wasn't supposed to take any shots.

Just as the sun was setting and all the participants arrived we joined in the revelry and danced along to the music.

And...for $.25, we enjoyed a highly competitive game of foosball.  The R's beat the Hot Ladies by a BUNCH!!

Our cultural evening ended with hot dogs at Los Hot Dogs de la Gonzalez.  LOOONNNGGG hot dogs with a special sauce and crumbled potato chips on top.  A picture is a must for our next hot dog dining experience.

And...Remember...Follow your ADVENTURE dreams!!  Time is of the essence!!


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